Graduate Composition in Latin

A prize of $3,500 is offered for an original essay in Classical Latin. The essay may be on any subject chosen by the competitor and must contain at least 1,000 words. Dissertations offered for the degree of Ph.D. in Harvard University are admissible. If a thesis chapter is submitted, it must be modified so that it stands alone as a complete essay. Essays already submitted for prizes outside of Harvard University are not admissible. Essays that are already published are not admissible. Essays submitted for publication (but not yet published) are acceptable.

Each manuscript must be submitted to the Department of the Classics by the deadline. A student who is to receive his or her degree at midyear, however, must submit his or her manuscript on or before the day following the first day of the fall term reading period.

All inquiries about the Bowdoin Prize for Graduate Composition in Latin should be addressed to the Department of the Classics.